What We Offer



Our goal at Trinity is to assist you in building a spiritual foundation and personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. The following are various ministries and service opportunities currently offered at Trinity Lutheran Church. Our Human Care Ministries values the contribution of every person who offers a prayer, kind word, and helping hand to another person. If you are interested in learning more about how you can help, please contact the church office.


Service Committees

Board of Administration - Mackenzie Young

Library - Gary Hawkins

Memorial - Mark Hartwig



Worship - Gary Hawkins

Altar Guild - Marian Nesler

Board of Elders - Dan Lichthardt

Support Services:



Acolytes Greeters

Readers A/V Operators

Adult Education

Sunday Morning Bible Study

Men’s Bible Studies

Women’s Bible Studies

Youth Education

Sunday School - Nicole Happ, Rick Happ, Tim King

Confirmation- Da LIchthardt, Gene Fogle

TLC Preschool - Stephanie Krueger

Vacation Bible School -Tim King

Jr. & Sr. High Youth Groups - Dan Lichthardt


Prayer Group -

Prayer Chain (emails) - Lorene McIntyre

Card Ministry - Gayle Hawkins

Christian Senior Ministries - Lynne Schmidt/Bonnie Koerner

Canines 4 Christ - Vicki Fogle

Widows Knot (Grief Support) - Vicki Fogle

Health Ministry - Bonnie Koerner

Ladies Aid -Trudy Schlieben

Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) - Bonnie Koerner

Lap Robe/Prayer Shawl - Lorene McIntyre, Carol Sherman

Woven -Julie Bartels